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(Página creada con '=== Stage 1 === * Lasts ~ 12 hours * Prepares the bed * If carrying one pup, the onset of lactation coincides with parturition. * If carrying multiple pups, milk may be express...')
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Línea 1: Línea 1:
=== Etapa 1 ===
=== Stage 1 ===
* Dura ~ 12 horas
* Lasts ~ 12 hours
* Prepara la cama
* Prepares the bed
* Si lleva un cachorro, el inicio de la lactancia coincide con el parto.
* If carrying one pup, the onset of lactation coincides with parturition.
* Si lleva varios cachorros, la leche puede ser excretada por los pezones durante varios días antes del inicio del parto.
* If carrying multiple pups, milk may be expressed from the teats several days prior to the onset of parturition.
* La temperatura corporal desciende al menos 1,2ºC dentro de las 24 horas antes del parto.  
* Body temperature subnormal by at least 1.2◦C within 24 hours before the onset of labour.
* Inquietud
* Restless
* Indiferencia hacia a los alimentos
* Indifferent to food
* Jadeo
* Panting
=== Etapa 2 ===
=== Stage 2 ===
*Depende del número de fetos, pero por lo general dura hasta 6 horas.
* Depends upon the number of foetuses, but usually lasts ~6 hours.
*Un esfuerzo indica el comienzo de la segunda etapa.
* Straining indicates the onset of the second stage.
*La perra permanece en su cama en decúbito esternal
* Bitch remains in her bed in sternal recumbency
*La "Bolsa de agua" del feto aparece por primera vez en la vulva, y alcanza el tamaño de una pelota de golf.
* 'Water bag' of the first foetus appears at the vulva, and attains the size of a golf ball.
*La perra se lame la vulva con fuerza y por lo general se rompe la "bolsa de agua".
* Bitch licks the vulva vigorously and usually ruptures the 'water bag'.
*La salida de la cabeza requiere el esfuerzo más grande, una vez que sale, el resto del feto la sigue fácilmente.
* Delivery of the head requires the greates effort, once this is bord the rest of the foetus follows easily.
*La expulsión del primer feto puede llevar hasta 1 hora.
* Expulsion of the first foetus may take up to 1 hour.
*El cordón umbilical está intacto en el nacimiento, la madre pronto lo quitará mordiéndolo.
* Umbillical cord is intact at birth, the mother will soon bite it away.
*La perra descansa un tiempo después del nacimiento del primer cachorro.
* Bitch rests for a time after the birth of the first puppy.
*Lame al cachorro, que pronto comienza a succionar.
** Lies licking the puppy, which soon begins to suckle.
*Presta atención frecuente a la vulva y lame cualquier descarga.
** Pays frequent attention to the vulva and licks any discharge.
*Las membranas fetales en general se vacían en 10-15 minutos y son comidas por la hembra.
* Foetal membranes generally voided in 10-15 minutes and eaten by the bitch.
*El esfuerzo se reanuda después de un retraso de 30 minutos - 2 horas.
* Straining recommences after a delay of 30 minutes - 2 hours.
*El esfuerzo y tiempo requerido para las crías posteriores suelen ser menores que la primera.
* Effort and time required for subsequent deliveries is usually less than the first.
*Puede descansar entre crías consecutivas o no. El período de descanso también es muy variable.
* May rest in between subsequent deliveries, but may not. The period of rest is also very variable.
*Los cachorros tienden a ser expulsados de cuernos del utero alternados (a diferencia de la cerda).
* Puppies tend to be expelled from alternate horns (unlike the sow).
*La expulsión de las membranas fetales también es irregular, pueden llegar de forma individual, o el perrito siguiente puede nacer con las membranas de su predecesor alrededor de su cuello.
* Expulsion of foetal membranes is also irregular, they may come out individually, or the next puppy may be born with the membranes of its predeccessor around its neck.
=== Etapa 3 ===
=== Stage 3 ===
* Membranes of the last foetus are expelled with it or shortly afterwards.
* Discharge is dark green in colour.
** Due to breakdown of the marginal haematoma, blood pigment biliverdin escapes.
*Las membranas del último feto son expulsadas él o poco después.
*La descarga es de color verde oscuro.
**Debido a la ruptura del hematoma marginal, la biliverdina, pigmento de la sangre, se escapa.
|por = '[[Usuario:Patricia.ortola|Patricia Ortolá Casanova]]'
|date = 16.09.2011
[[Categoría:Parto]][[Categoría:Comportamiento Reproductivo]]
[[Categoría:Parto]][[Categoría:Comportamiento Reproductivo]]

Revisión del 19:56 2 nov 2011

Stage 1

  • Lasts ~ 12 hours
  • Prepares the bed
  • If carrying one pup, the onset of lactation coincides with parturition.
  • If carrying multiple pups, milk may be expressed from the teats several days prior to the onset of parturition.
  • Body temperature subnormal by at least 1.2◦C within 24 hours before the onset of labour.
  • Restless
  • Indifferent to food
  • Panting

Stage 2

  • Depends upon the number of foetuses, but usually lasts ~6 hours.
  • Straining indicates the onset of the second stage.
  • Bitch remains in her bed in sternal recumbency
  • 'Water bag' of the first foetus appears at the vulva, and attains the size of a golf ball.
  • Bitch licks the vulva vigorously and usually ruptures the 'water bag'.
  • Delivery of the head requires the greates effort, once this is bord the rest of the foetus follows easily.
  • Expulsion of the first foetus may take up to 1 hour.
  • Umbillical cord is intact at birth, the mother will soon bite it away.
  • Bitch rests for a time after the birth of the first puppy.
    • Lies licking the puppy, which soon begins to suckle.
    • Pays frequent attention to the vulva and licks any discharge.
  • Foetal membranes generally voided in 10-15 minutes and eaten by the bitch.
  • Straining recommences after a delay of 30 minutes - 2 hours.
  • Effort and time required for subsequent deliveries is usually less than the first.
  • May rest in between subsequent deliveries, but may not. The period of rest is also very variable.
  • Puppies tend to be expelled from alternate horns (unlike the sow).
  • Expulsion of foetal membranes is also irregular, they may come out individually, or the next puppy may be born with the membranes of its predeccessor around its neck.

Stage 3

  • Membranes of the last foetus are expelled with it or shortly afterwards.
  • Discharge is dark green in colour.
    • Due to breakdown of the marginal haematoma, blood pigment biliverdin escapes.