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También conocida como: '''''Teileriosis Bovina — [[Theileria]] — [[Fiebre de la Costa Oriental]] — Fiebre de Egipto Teileriosis Tropical — Fiebre de la Costa Mediterránea'''''
Also Known As: '''''Bovine Theileriosis — [[Theileria]] — [[East Coast Fever]] — Egyptian Fever — Tropical Theileriosis Mediterranean Coast Fever'''''
Causada por: [[Theileria|'''''Theileria parva''''' — '''''Theileria annulata''''']]
Caused By: [[Theileria|'''''Theileria parva''''' — '''''Theileria annulata''''']]
[[File:T_parva.gif|thumb|200px|right|''Theileria'' esp. dentro de los erithrocitos del huesped]]
[[File:T_parva.gif|thumb|200px|right|''Theileria'' sp. inside erythrocytes of host]]
La theileriosis es una enfermedad de mamíferos y aves causada por un [[Protozoo|'''protozoo''']] patógeno que reside en el interior de [[Linfocitos - Introducción|linfocitos]] y [[Macrófagos|macrófagos]].
Theileriosis is a disease of mammals and birds caused by a [[protozoa | '''protozoal''']] pathogen which resides within the [[Lymphocytes - Introduction |lymphocytes]] and [[Macrophages|macrophages]].
[[Theileria|''T. parva'' y ''T. annulata'']] aparecen en bovinos y ''T. lestoguardi'' en el ganado ovino, siendo éstos los de mayor importancia económica en los rumiantes domésticos.
[[Theileria|''T. parva'' and ''T. annulata'']] in cattle and ''T. lestoguardi'' in sheep are the most economically important in domestic ruminants.
Las especies de ''[[Theileria]]'' están estrechamente relacionadas con los parásitos del género ''[[Babesia]]''.
''[[Theileria]]'' species are closely related to ''[[Babesia]]'' parasites.
Los búfalos, tanto domésticos como salvajes, parecen ser menos susceptibles a la theileriosis.
Los '''animales autóctonos''' también parecen tener un mayor grado de '''inmunidad innata''' en las zonas endémicas de las cuales son importados, incluso los de la misma raza.
Buffalo, both domestic and wild, appear less susceptible to theileriosis.
Las '''frisonas''' son especialmente susceptibles a la infección por especies de ''[[Theileria]]''.
'''Native animals''' also appear to have a higher degree of '''innate tolerance''' in endemic areas than those that are imported, even if of the same breed.
Momentos como el [[Parto - Control Endocrina - Anatomía & Fisiología|parto]], la [[Lactancia - Anatomía & Fisiología|lactancia]] y situaciones de estrés son factores que predisponen a un animal al padecimiento de la teileriosis, como ocurre en cualquier enfermedad.
'''Friesians''' appear particularly susceptible to infection with ''[[Theileria]]'' species.
Sin embargo, la tolerancia ligada a la edad puede hacer a los terneros más jóvenes más resistentes a la enfermedad que los adultos en algunas zonas.
[[Parturition Endocrine Control - Anatomy & Physiology |Parturition]], [[Lactation - Anatomy & Physiology |lactation]] and stress can make an animal vulnerable to theileriosis, as they can to any disease.
Age linked tolerance may make younger calves more tolerant of disease than adults in some areas.
La distribución de la enfermedad depende de la presencia de [[Garrapatas|garrapatas]], ya que actúan como vectores y por lo tanto se haya principalmente en las '''regiones tropicales'''. Están implicadas varias especies de garrapatas.
La distribución de teileriosis es cada vez más amplia.
Distribution of disease depends on the presence of [[Ticks|tick]] vectors and thus is primarily in '''tropical regions'''. Various species of tick are implicated.
The distribution of theileriosis is increasing all the time.
[[File:Theileria_lifecycle.gif|thumb|200px|right|Ciclo de la vida de Theileria]]
[[File:Theileria_lifecycle.gif|thumb|200px|right|Theileria Lifecycle]]
''[[Theileria]]'' species first invade the local '''[[Lymph Nodes - Anatomy & Physiology|lymph nodes]]''' of the hosts before forming schizonts and disseminating through the '''lymphoid tissues'''.
Las especies de ''[[Theileria]]'' invaden primero los los '''[[Ganglios Linfáticos - Anatomía & Fisiología|ganglios linfáticos]]''' locales de los hospedadores, antes de la formación de esquizontes y la difusión a través de los '''tejidos linfoides'''.
'''Asexual''' reproduction in the '''host''' is followed by '''sexual reproduction''' within the '''tick''' vector. The parasite is then transmitted through the '''salivary glands''' of the tick into the mammalian host during bloodfeeding.
La reproducción '''asexual''' en el '''hospedador''' es seguida por la '''reproducción sexual''' dentro de la '''garrapata''' (vector). El parásito se transmite al hospedador mamífero a través de las '''glándulas salivales''' de la garrapata durante la alimentación de sangre de ésta.
For more information on ticks as vectors, see ''[[Theileria]]'' and [[Tick Disease Transmission]].
Para más información sobre las garrapatas como vectores, consulte ''[[Theileria]]'' y [[Transmisión de Enfermedades por Garrapatas]].
In endemic areas, '''endemic stability''' is often reached, in which most or all cattle may be infected and be carriers and most ticks are also infected, but young calves gain solid immunity from their immune dams and therefore rarely show clinical disease. This state however takes time to stabilise and will cause significant economic losses in the process.
En las zonas endémicas, a menudo se alcanza la '''estabilidad endémica'''. Son zonas en las que la mayoría del ganado o incluso su totalidad puede estar infectado y todos los individuos pueden ser portadores, estando la mayoría de las garrapatas también infectadas. De este modo también los terneros jóvenes adquieren una inmunidad sólida de sus madres inmunes y por lo tanto rara vez muestran enfermedad clínica. Aún así, llegar a este estado de estabilidad requiere tiempo y provocará importantes pérdidas económicas en el proceso.
==Clinical Signs==
[[File:Theileriosis_diarrhoea.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Bloody diarrhoea often seen in Theileriosis cases]]
'''Marked pyrexia''', '''[[Lymph Nodes - Anatomy & Physiology |lymph node enlargement]]''', '''dyspnoea''', '''epistaxis''', '''emaciation''', [[Diarrhoea |'''diarrhoea''']] and other GI signs.  
'''Ocular signs''' and masses may develop.
==Signos Clínicos==
Pruritus and '''skin lesions/plaques''' are also seen.
[[File:Theileriosis_diarrhoea.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Diarrea mostrando sangre visto a menudo en casos de Teileriosis]]
'''Fiebre marcada''', '''[[Ganglios Linfáticos - Anatomía & Fisiología|ganglios linfáticos aumentados de tamaño]]''', '''disnea''', '''epistaxis''', '''emaciación''', [[Diarrea|'''diarrea''']] y otros síntomas gastrointestinales.
Pueden desarrollarse '''signos oculares''' y masas.
Neurological and reproductive signs may develop in chronic or endemic disease.
También pueden observarse prurito y '''lesiones en la piel''' o '''placas'''.
The degree of pyrexia, pathogen load and host susceptibility will determine the severity of clinical signs at presentation.
Los signos neurológicos y reproductivos pueden aparecer en enfermedad de tipo crónico o endémico.
Detection of parasite stages in thin '''blood smears''' with Giemsa staining. '''Schizonts''' should be looked for in thin smears from '''lymph node''' or '''liver''' biopsies.
El grado de fiebre, la carga parasitaria y la susceptibilidad del hospedador determinará la gravedad de presentación de los signos clínicos.
On '''post-mortem examination''', blood is watery and carcasses are [[Icterus|icteric]] and gelatinised. Numerous petechiae may be present within the mucous membranes, gut mucosae and heart. The [[Liver - Anatomy & Physiology |liver]] is often pale and friable and the [[Gall Bladder - Anatomy & Physiology |gall bladder]] distended with dark green bile. Ulcers are often evident in the [[Abomasum - Anatomy & Physiology |abomasum]] of ruminants and are surrounded by haemorrhagic zones. Urine is dark brown due to the presence of [[Bilirubin |bilirubin]]. [[Pulmonary Oedema|Pulmonary oedema]] may be present.
Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Tests (IFAT) and [[ELISA testing |ELISAs]] are also available and are useful for identifying carrier animals.
La detección de las distintas fases del parásito en '''frotis de muestras de sangre''' teñidos con Giemsa. Los '''esquizontes''' deben ser buscados en los frotis de '''nódulos linfáticos''' o en biopsias del '''hígado'''.
En el '''examen post mortem''', la sangre es líquida y los cadáveres presentan ictericia y aspecto gelatinoso. Pueden estar presentes numerosas petequias en las membranas mucosas, mucosa intestinal y corazón. El [[Hígado - Anatomía & Fisiología|hígado]] suele estar pálido y friable y la [[Vesícula Biliar - Anatomía & Fisiología|vesícula biliar]] distendida con bilis de color verde oscuro. Las úlceras son a menudo evidentes en el [[Abomaso - Anatomía & Fisiología|abomaso]] de los rumiantes y están rodeadas de zonas hemorrágicas. La orina es marrón oscura debido a la presencia de [[Bilirrubina|bilirrubina]]. Puede presentarse [[Edema Pulmonar|edema pulmonar]].
Sporozoites can also be detected within the '''salivary glands''' of ticks by staining with methyl-green pyronin and more recently with '''PCR'''.
Hay pruebas de inmunofluorescencia indirecta (IFI) y [[ELISA]] que también están disponibles y son útiles para identificar los animales portadores.
'''Buparvaquone''' and '''Halofuginone''' chemotherapeutics and/or '''Tetracyclines''' are the treatments of choice.
Los esporozoítos también pueden ser detectados dentro de las '''glándulas salivares''' de las garrapatas por tinción con metil-verde pironina y, de forma más actualizada, con '''PCR'''.
Quimioterápicos como la '''buparvaquona''' y '''halofuginona''' y/o '''tetraciclinas''' son los tratamientos de elección.
El control de '''garrapatas vectores''' y el uso de las especies de acogida resistentes a las garrapatas como el ganado cebú en las zonas endémicas es efectivo pero costoso.
Control of '''tick vectors''' and use of '''tick resistant''' host species such as zebu cattle in endemic areas is effective but expensive.
Se debe tener cuidado con el uso intensivo de [[Ectoparasiticidas|ectoparasiticidas]] para controlar las garrapatas, ya que el recrudecimiento de brotes de otras enfermedades transmitidas por garrapatas no son infrecuentes cuando se interrumpen los programas.
Care should be taken when intensively dipping with [[Ectoparasiticides |ectoparasiticides]] to control ticks as upsurges in other tick borne diseases are not uncommon when programmes are interrupted.
La '''estabilidad endémica''' puede ser apoyada con la cría de animales portadores autóctonos o animales importados conocidos, aunque a menudo son todavía infectantes para las garrapatas, de modo que la '''separación''' de los adultos de los animales susceptibles es esencial para evitar una mayor propagación de la enfermedad.
'''Endemic stability''' can be encouraged by breeding indigenous or known carrier animals, although these are often still infective for ticks so '''separation''' from adult susceptible animals is essential to prevent further spread of disease.
Existen '''vacunas''' disponibles con '''esquizontes atenuados de las células infectadas''' y son el pilar principal de la teileriosis tropical en los países endémicos con razas de ganado altamente susceptibles.
'''Vaccines''' are available involving '''attenuated schizont-infected cells''' and are the mainstay of tropical theleriosis in endemic countries with highly susceptible cattle breeds.
|flashcards = [[Theileriosis - Cattle Flashcards]]
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Línea 85: Línea 85:
[[Category:Alimentary Diseases - Cattle]][[Category:Reproductive Diseases - Cattle]][[Category:Neurological Diseases - Cattle]][[Category:Respiratory Diseases - Cattle]]
|por = 'Raquel Salero Toranzo'
|date = 20.02.2012
[[Categoría:Enfermedades de Ganado Bovino]]
[[Categoría:Enfermedades de Ganado Bovino]]
[[Categoría:Artículos CABI]]
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Revisión del 17:56 8 may 2012

Also Known As: Bovine Theileriosis — TheileriaEast Coast Fever — Egyptian Fever — Tropical Theileriosis — Mediterranean Coast Fever

Caused By: Theileria parvaTheileria annulata


Theileria sp. inside erythrocytes of host

Theileriosis is a disease of mammals and birds caused by a protozoal pathogen which resides within the lymphocytes and macrophages.

T. parva and T. annulata in cattle and T. lestoguardi in sheep are the most economically important in domestic ruminants.

Theileria species are closely related to Babesia parasites.


Buffalo, both domestic and wild, appear less susceptible to theileriosis.

Native animals also appear to have a higher degree of innate tolerance in endemic areas than those that are imported, even if of the same breed.

Friesians appear particularly susceptible to infection with Theileria species.

Parturition, lactation and stress can make an animal vulnerable to theileriosis, as they can to any disease.

Age linked tolerance may make younger calves more tolerant of disease than adults in some areas.


Distribution of disease depends on the presence of tick vectors and thus is primarily in tropical regions. Various species of tick are implicated.

The distribution of theileriosis is increasing all the time.


Theileria Lifecycle

Theileria species first invade the local lymph nodes of the hosts before forming schizonts and disseminating through the lymphoid tissues.

Asexual reproduction in the host is followed by sexual reproduction within the tick vector. The parasite is then transmitted through the salivary glands of the tick into the mammalian host during bloodfeeding.

For more information on ticks as vectors, see Theileria and Tick Disease Transmission.

In endemic areas, endemic stability is often reached, in which most or all cattle may be infected and be carriers and most ticks are also infected, but young calves gain solid immunity from their immune dams and therefore rarely show clinical disease. This state however takes time to stabilise and will cause significant economic losses in the process.

Clinical Signs

Bloody diarrhoea often seen in Theileriosis cases

Marked pyrexia, lymph node enlargement, dyspnoea, epistaxis, emaciation, diarrhoea and other GI signs.

Ocular signs and masses may develop.

Pruritus and skin lesions/plaques are also seen.

Neurological and reproductive signs may develop in chronic or endemic disease.

The degree of pyrexia, pathogen load and host susceptibility will determine the severity of clinical signs at presentation.


Detection of parasite stages in thin blood smears with Giemsa staining. Schizonts should be looked for in thin smears from lymph node or liver biopsies.

On post-mortem examination, blood is watery and carcasses are icteric and gelatinised. Numerous petechiae may be present within the mucous membranes, gut mucosae and heart. The liver is often pale and friable and the gall bladder distended with dark green bile. Ulcers are often evident in the abomasum of ruminants and are surrounded by haemorrhagic zones. Urine is dark brown due to the presence of bilirubin. Pulmonary oedema may be present.

Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Tests (IFAT) and ELISAs are also available and are useful for identifying carrier animals.

Sporozoites can also be detected within the salivary glands of ticks by staining with methyl-green pyronin and more recently with PCR.


Buparvaquone and Halofuginone chemotherapeutics and/or Tetracyclines are the treatments of choice.


Control of tick vectors and use of tick resistant host species such as zebu cattle in endemic areas is effective but expensive.

Care should be taken when intensively dipping with ectoparasiticides to control ticks as upsurges in other tick borne diseases are not uncommon when programmes are interrupted.

Endemic stability can be encouraged by breeding indigenous or known carrier animals, although these are often still infective for ticks so separation from adult susceptible animals is essential to prevent further spread of disease.

Vaccines are available involving attenuated schizont-infected cells and are the mainstay of tropical theleriosis in endemic countries with highly susceptible cattle breeds.


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Este artículo fue originalmente de The Animal Health & Production Compendium (AHPC) publicado en el web por CABI.

Hoja(s) de datos utilizados: bovine theilerioses el 3 June 2011