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La lengua (lingua) ocupa el aspecto ventral de la [[Cavidad Oral - Resumen - Anatomía & Fisiología|cavidad oral]] y [[Orofaringe - Anatomía & Fisiología|orofaringe]]. Está involucrado con la lame, rodar, comprensión y manipulación de alimentos en la [[Cavidad Oral - Resumen - Anatomía & Fisiología|cavidad oral]]. También participa en el reflejo de [[Deglución|deglución]] y la vocalización. La lengua es capaz de movimientos precisos y fuertes debido al apice libre de anexos a la [[Cavidad Oral - Resumen - Anatomía & Fisiología|cavidad oral]].
[[Image:Tongue Anatomy Cow.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Anatomía de la lengua (Vaca) - Copyright Nottingham 2008]]
==Estructura y Función==
The tongue (lingua) occupies the ventral aspect of the [[Oral Cavity Overview - Anatomy & Physiology|oral cavity]] and [[Oropharynx - Anatomy & Physiology|oropharynx]]. It is involved with grooming, lapping, prehension and manipulating food in the [[Oral Cavity Overview - Anatomy & Physiology|oral cavity]]. It is also involved in the [[Deglutition|deglutition]] reflex and vocalisation. The tongue is capable of vigorous and precise movements due to the apex being free of attachments to the [[Oral Cavity Overview - Anatomy & Physiology|oral cavity]].
La lengua es músculo esquelético dorsalmente y grasa estructural rodeada por una formación cartilaginoso formando la vaina de Lyssa (cánidos solamente) ventralmente. Tiene una raíz adjunto y el cuerpo con un ápice libre. El '''frenillo''' (pliegue de la mucosa) se une el cuerpo de la lengua al suelo de la cavidad oral. La raíz de la lengua se une al [[Aparato Hioides - Anatomía & Fisiología|hueso hioides]]. En el caballo y el perro, la lengua es en forma "u", cada vez más amplio hacia la punta. El surco en el centro de la lengua cánido se llama el '''surco medio'''. En la vaca, la oveja y el cerdo, la lengua es en forma de "v" con un ápice agudo. El '''torus lingual''' es una hinchazón en la lengua lateralmente que empuja la comida contra el [[Paladar Duro|paladar duro]].
[[Image:Tongue Anatomy Cow.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Tongue Anatomy (Cow) - Copyright Nottingham 2008]]
[[Image:Tongue Anatomy Cow2.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Anatomía de la lengua (Vaca) - Copyright Nottingham 2008]]
==Structure and Function==
[[Image:Tongue Venous Drainage.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Drenaje venoso de la lengua - Copyright Prof. Pat Mccarthy]]
===Músculos Intrínsecos===
The tongue is skeletal muscle dorsally and structural fat surrounded by a cartilagenous sheath forming lyssa (canids only) ventrally. It has an attached root and body with a free apex. The '''frenulum''' (fold of mucosa) attaches the body of the tongue to the floor of the [[Oral Cavity Overview - Anatomy & Physiology|oral cavity]]. The root of tongue is attached to the [[Hyoid Apparatus - Anatomy & Physiology|hyoid bone]]. In the horse and dog, the tongue is 'u' shaped, becoming broader towards the tip. The furrow in the centre of the canid tongue is called the '''median sulcus'''. In the ox, sheep and pig the tongue is 'v' shaped with a pointed apex. The '''torus linguae''' is a swelling across the tongue laterally which pushes food against the [[Hard Palate|hard palate]].
Músculos intrínsecos incluyen los músculos longitudinales dorsal y ventral y los paquetes transversal y vertical.
[[Image:Tongue Anatomy Cow2.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Tongue Anatomy (Cow) - Copyright Nottingham 2008]]
===Músculos Extrínsecos===
Los músculos extrínsecos incluyen:
[[Image:Tongue Venous Drainage.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Venous Drainage of the Tongue - Copyright Prof. Pat Mccarthy]]
===Intrinsic Muscles===
Su origen está en el [[Aparato Hioideo - Anatomía & Fisiología|aparato hioideo]] (estilohioideo) y se retrae y eleva la lengua.
Intrinsic muscles include the dorsal and ventral longitudinal muscles and the transverse and vertical bundles.  
===Extrinsic Muscles===
El origen está en la parte incisiva de la [[Skull and Facial Muscles - Anatomía & Fisiología#Mandíbula (mandibula)|mandíbula]]. Se resalta y deprimia la lengua.
The extrinsic muscles include:
El origen está en el [[Aparato Hioides - Anatomía & Fisiología|aparato hioides]] (basihioide). Se retrae y deprime la lengua.
Its origin is at the [[Hyoid Apparatus - Anatomy & Physiology|hyoid apparatus]] (stylohyoid) and it retracts and elevates the tongue.
Se origina en la parte incisiva de la [[Skull and Facial Muscles - Anatomía & Fisiología#Mandíbula (mandibula)|mandíbula]] y el sitio de inserción se encuentra el cuerpo del [[Aparato Hioides - Anatomía & Fisiología|hioides]]. Se encuentra por debajo de la lengua (no dentro) y lleva a la [[Aparato Hioides - Anatomía & Fisiología|hioides]] y por lo tanto la lengua hacia adelante.
The origin is at the incisive part of the [[Skull and Facial Muscles - Anatomy & Physiology#Mandible (mandibula)|mandible]]. It protrudes and depressed the tongue.
[[Image:Tongue Muscles Drawing.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Plano de Músculos Extrínsecos de la Lengua - Copyright nabrown]]
Todos los músculos para mover la lengua están inervados por el nervio hipogloso  ([[Nervios Craneales - Anatomía & Fisiología|CN XII]]). La rostral 2/3 de la lengua está inervada por la rama sensitiva lingual del nervio trigémino ([[Nervios Craneales - Anatomía & Fisiología|CN V]]) que transmite la temperatura, el tacto y la sensación de dolor. La cuerda del tímpano del nervio facial ([[Nervios Craneales - Anatomía & Fisiología|CN VII]]) transmite el sabor. El caudal 1/3 de la lengua es inervado por el nervio glosofaríngeo ([[Nervios Craneales - Anatomía & Fisiología|CN IX]]) proporcionando la función motora para el gusto.
The origin is at the [[Hyoid Apparatus - Anatomy & Physiology|hyoid apparatus]] (basihyoid). It retracts and depresses the tongue.
El suministro principal de sangre a la lengua es a través de la '''arteria lingual''', una rama de la arteria carótida externa. Una fuente secundaria de la sangre a la lengua se proporciona a través de la rama tonsilar de la arteria facial y la arteria faríngea ascendente.
[[Image:Tongue Histology Cat.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Histología de la lengua (Gato) - Copyright RVC 2008]]
La lengua se compone de epitelio escamoso estratificado. Hay glándulas [[Glándulas Linguales - Anatomía & Fisiología|linguales]] y una capa de mucosa que se adhiere a la superficie de contacto. El grado de queratinización depende de la dieta. Hay menos queratinización en la superficie ventral y los lados de la lengua. Está cubierta por papilas para protección y el gusto. Papilas están proyecciones especializadas de la mucosa. Algunos tienen papilas papilas gustativas, otras son mecánicas para raspar la superficie de la lengua.
It originates at the incisive part of the [[Skull and Facial Muscles - Anatomy & Physiology#Mandible (mandibula)|mandible]] and the insertion site is the body of the [[Hyoid Apparatus - Anatomy & Physiology|hyoid]]. It lies below the tongue (not within it) and draws the [[Hyoid Apparatus - Anatomy & Physiology|hyoid]] and therefore the tongue forward.
==Tipos de Papila==
[[Image:Tongue Muscles Drawing.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Drawing of the Extrinsic Muscles of the Tongue - Copyright nabrown]]
All muscles moving the tongue are innervated by the hypoglossal nerve ([[Cranial Nerves - Anatomy & Physiology|CN XII]]). The rostral 2/3 of the tongue is innervated by the sensory lingual branch of the trigeminal ([[Cranial Nerves - Anatomy & Physiology|CN V]]) transmitting temperature, touch and pain sensation. The chorda tympani of the facial nerve ([[Cranial Nerves - Anatomy & Physiology|CN VII]]) transmits the taste. The caudal 1/3 of the tongue is innervated by the glossopharyngeal ([[Cranial Nerves - Anatomy & Physiology|CN IX]]) providing motor function for taste.
The main blood supply to the tongue is via the '''lingual artery''', a branch of the external carotid artery. A secondary blood supply to the tongue is provided via the tonsillar branch of the facial artery and the ascending pharyngeal artery.
[[Image:Tongue Histology Cat.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Tongue Histology (Cat) - Copyright RVC 2008]]
The tongue consists of stratified squamous epithelium. There are [[Lingual Gland - Anatomy & Physiology|lingual]] glands and a mucosal covering tightly adheres to the contact surface. The degree of keratinisation depends on the diet. There is less keratinisation on the ventral surface and sides of tongue. It is covered by papillae for protection and taste. Papillae are specialised projections of the mucosa. Some papillae have taste buds, others are mechanical to roughen the surface of the tongue.
==Types of Papillae==
Conical papillae are not found in horses. They are present in the caudal 1/3 of the tongue. They point caudally and have no taste buds. There is a thick epithelium.
No se encuentran papilas cónicas en los caballos. Están presentes en la tercera caudal, de la lengua. Se orientan caudalmente y no tienen papilas gustativas. Hay un epitelio grueso.
[[Image:Foliate_Papillae_Cat.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Foliate Papillae (Cat) - Copyright RVC 2008]]
[[Image:Foliate_Papillae_Cat.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Foliate Papillae (Cat) - Copyright RVC 2008]]
Ocho a doce papilas en pliegues paralelos, uno a cada lado de la línea media de la lengua. Consiste de un epitelio escamoso estratificado, presente en la tercera caudal de la lengua. Hay papilas gustativas, glándulas y vasos linfáticos presentes.
Eight to twelve papillae in parallel folds, one either side of the tongue midline. Consists of a stratified squamous epithelium, present in the caudal third of the tongue. There are taste buds, glands and lymphatics present.
[[Image:Circumvallate Papillae.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Circumvallate Papillae (Goat) - Copyright RVC 2008]]
[[Image:Circumvallate Papillae.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Circumvallate Papillae (Goat) - Copyright RVC 2008]]
Hay tres a seis, a menudo papilas secundarias en las papilas gustativas. Hay glándulas amplios en la tercera caudal de la lengua. Las papilas gustativas y los vasos linfáticos están presentes.
There are three to six, often secondary papillae in taste buds. There are broad glands in the caudal 1/3 of tongue. Taste buds and lymphatics are present.
Se forman los puntos rojos sobre la superficie de la lengua y consisten en epitelio queratinizado, escamoso estratificado y los vasos sanguíneos. Están involucrados en la pérdida de calor a través del jadeo en los perros. Están presentes en el rostral 2/3 de la lengua y contienen papilas gustativas.
They form the red dots on tongue surface and consist of keratinised, stratified squamous epithelium and blood vessels. They are involved in loss of heat via panting in dogs. They are present in the rostral 2/3 of the tongue and contain taste buds.
[[Image:Filoform Papillae Histology.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Filoform Papillae Histology (Cat) - Copyright RVC 2008]]
[[Image:Filoform Papillae Histology.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Filoform Papillae Histology (Cat) - Copyright RVC 2008]]
Papilas filiformes son las más numerosas y se orientan caudalmente. No hay papilas gustativas, glándulas o ganglios linfáticos. Ellos son los más pequeños y se componen de una queratina grueso en el epitelio escamoso estratificado. Son muy importantes y en el gato estan presentes en la rostral 2/3 de la lengua.
Filiform papillae are the most numerous and point caudally. There are no taste buds, glands or lymphatics. They are the smallest and consist of a thick keratin on stratified squamous epithelium. They are very prominent in cat and are present in the rostral 2/3 of the tongue.
==[[Sistema Gustativo - Anatomía & Fisiología#Papilas Gustativas|Papilas Gustativas]]==
==[[Gustatory System - Anatomy & Physiology|Taste Buds]]==
También se encuentran en el [[Paladar Blando|paladar blando]] y la [[Faringe - Anatomía & Fisiología|faringe]] (pero distribuidos escasamente). Hay una renovación celular constante, con células gruesas y planas. Hay pelos gustativas (microvellosidades) saliendo por el poro gustativo. Los nervios transducen señales químicas a señales nerviosas.
Also found on the [[Soft Palate|soft palate]] and [[Pharynx - Anatomy & Physiology|pharynx]] (but sparsely distributed). There is a constant cell turnover, with flat, thick cells. There are taste hairs (microvilli) pointing though the taste pore. Nerves transduce chemical signals into nervous signals.
==Diferencias Entre las Especies==
==Species Differences==
[[Image:Pig Tongue.jpg|thumb|right|250px|''Lengua de Cerdo'' <br> Pollo 2007, WikiMedia Commons]]
[[Image:Pig Tongue.jpg|thumb|right|250px|''Pig Tongue'' <br> Pollo 2007, WikiMedia Commons]]
Hay receptores de estiramiento en la lengua y utilizan la lengua para perder calor por jadeo.
There are stretch receptors in the tongue and they use the tongue to lose heat by panting.
La lengua está fuertemente queratinizado con papilas largas para comer (la superficie de protección). La vaca tiene papilas lenticulares que son duros y calientes debido a la queratinización pesados.
The tongue is heavily keratinised with long papillae for eating (protective surface). The ox has lenticular papillae which are hard and horny due to heavy keratinisation.
Especies felinas tienen papilas largas para cuando se lamen, por lo que su lengua es áspera.
Feline species have long papillae for grooming, so their tongue is rough.
La mayor parte de las papilas son suaves, largos y dirigidos caudalmente.
Most of the papillae are soft, long and directed caudally.
===[[Lengua Aviar - Anatomía & Fisiología|Aviar]] ===
===[[Avian Tongue - Anatomy & Physiology|Avian]] ===
La lengua aviar contiene un hueso y se utiliza principalmente para la manipulación de los alimentos en lugar de vocalización como en los mamíferos. Loros usan la lengua para producir sonidos humanos (ver [[Syringe - Anatomía & Fisiología#Diferencias Entre las Especies|las diferencias entre especies en siringe]])
The avian tongue contains a bone and is mainly used for manipulation of food rather than vocalisation like in mammals. Parrots use the tongue to produce human sounds (see [[Syrinx - Anatomy & Physiology#Species differences|species differences in syrinx]])
==Comprobar tus conocimientos con los Flashcards de la lengua y músculos faciales==
==Test yourself with the Tongue & Facial Muscle Flashcards==
[[Cavidad Oral - Anatomía & Fisiología - Flashcards#Tongue Flashcards|Flashcards de la lengua]]
[[Oral Cavity - Anatomy & Physiology - Flashcards#Tongue Flashcards|Tongue Flashcards]]
[[Facial_Muscles_-_Musculoskeletal_-_Flashcards|Flashcards de los músculos faciales]]
[[Facial_Muscles_-_Musculoskeletal_-_Flashcards|Facial Muscles Flashcards]]
Haz "clic" aquí para información sobre la [[Lengua - Patología|patología de la lengua]].
Click here for [[Tongue - Pathology|pathology of the tongue]] information.
[[Categoría:Cavidad Oral - Anatomía & Fisiología]]
[[Category:Oral Cavity - Anatomy & Physiology]]

Revisión del 09:03 5 may 2011


The tongue (lingua) occupies the ventral aspect of the oral cavity and oropharynx. It is involved with grooming, lapping, prehension and manipulating food in the oral cavity. It is also involved in the deglutition reflex and vocalisation. The tongue is capable of vigorous and precise movements due to the apex being free of attachments to the oral cavity.

Tongue Anatomy (Cow) - Copyright Nottingham 2008

Structure and Function

The tongue is skeletal muscle dorsally and structural fat surrounded by a cartilagenous sheath forming lyssa (canids only) ventrally. It has an attached root and body with a free apex. The frenulum (fold of mucosa) attaches the body of the tongue to the floor of the oral cavity. The root of tongue is attached to the hyoid bone. In the horse and dog, the tongue is 'u' shaped, becoming broader towards the tip. The furrow in the centre of the canid tongue is called the median sulcus. In the ox, sheep and pig the tongue is 'v' shaped with a pointed apex. The torus linguae is a swelling across the tongue laterally which pushes food against the hard palate.

Tongue Anatomy (Cow) - Copyright Nottingham 2008


Venous Drainage of the Tongue - Copyright Prof. Pat Mccarthy

Intrinsic Muscles

Intrinsic muscles include the dorsal and ventral longitudinal muscles and the transverse and vertical bundles.

Extrinsic Muscles

The extrinsic muscles include:


Its origin is at the hyoid apparatus (stylohyoid) and it retracts and elevates the tongue.


The origin is at the incisive part of the mandible. It protrudes and depressed the tongue.


The origin is at the hyoid apparatus (basihyoid). It retracts and depresses the tongue.


It originates at the incisive part of the mandible and the insertion site is the body of the hyoid. It lies below the tongue (not within it) and draws the hyoid and therefore the tongue forward.

Drawing of the Extrinsic Muscles of the Tongue - Copyright nabrown


All muscles moving the tongue are innervated by the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII). The rostral 2/3 of the tongue is innervated by the sensory lingual branch of the trigeminal (CN V) transmitting temperature, touch and pain sensation. The chorda tympani of the facial nerve (CN VII) transmits the taste. The caudal 1/3 of the tongue is innervated by the glossopharyngeal (CN IX) providing motor function for taste.


The main blood supply to the tongue is via the lingual artery, a branch of the external carotid artery. A secondary blood supply to the tongue is provided via the tonsillar branch of the facial artery and the ascending pharyngeal artery.


Tongue Histology (Cat) - Copyright RVC 2008

The tongue consists of stratified squamous epithelium. There are lingual glands and a mucosal covering tightly adheres to the contact surface. The degree of keratinisation depends on the diet. There is less keratinisation on the ventral surface and sides of tongue. It is covered by papillae for protection and taste. Papillae are specialised projections of the mucosa. Some papillae have taste buds, others are mechanical to roughen the surface of the tongue.

Types of Papillae


Conical papillae are not found in horses. They are present in the caudal 1/3 of the tongue. They point caudally and have no taste buds. There is a thick epithelium.

Foliate Papillae (Cat) - Copyright RVC 2008


Eight to twelve papillae in parallel folds, one either side of the tongue midline. Consists of a stratified squamous epithelium, present in the caudal third of the tongue. There are taste buds, glands and lymphatics present.


Circumvallate Papillae (Goat) - Copyright RVC 2008

There are three to six, often secondary papillae in taste buds. There are broad glands in the caudal 1/3 of tongue. Taste buds and lymphatics are present.


They form the red dots on tongue surface and consist of keratinised, stratified squamous epithelium and blood vessels. They are involved in loss of heat via panting in dogs. They are present in the rostral 2/3 of the tongue and contain taste buds.

Filoform Papillae Histology (Cat) - Copyright RVC 2008


Filiform papillae are the most numerous and point caudally. There are no taste buds, glands or lymphatics. They are the smallest and consist of a thick keratin on stratified squamous epithelium. They are very prominent in cat and are present in the rostral 2/3 of the tongue.

Taste Buds

Also found on the soft palate and pharynx (but sparsely distributed). There is a constant cell turnover, with flat, thick cells. There are taste hairs (microvilli) pointing though the taste pore. Nerves transduce chemical signals into nervous signals.

Species Differences

Pig Tongue
Pollo 2007, WikiMedia Commons


There are stretch receptors in the tongue and they use the tongue to lose heat by panting.


The tongue is heavily keratinised with long papillae for eating (protective surface). The ox has lenticular papillae which are hard and horny due to heavy keratinisation.


Feline species have long papillae for grooming, so their tongue is rough.


Most of the papillae are soft, long and directed caudally.


The avian tongue contains a bone and is mainly used for manipulation of food rather than vocalisation like in mammals. Parrots use the tongue to produce human sounds (see species differences in syrinx)

Test yourself with the Tongue & Facial Muscle Flashcards

Tongue Flashcards

Facial Muscles Flashcards


Click here for pathology of the tongue information.