Herpesvirus Bovino 5
Causado por: BHV-5 — Bovine Encephalitis Virus — Bovine Encephalitis Herpesvirus
Herpesvirus bovino 5 es otro miembro de la familia de los herpesvirus potencialmente patogénico, que causa enfermedad respiratoria y neurológica en el ganado bovino y ovino.
El virus es muy parecido al Herpesvirus Bovino-1, que es responsable por la principal enfermedad de la especie bovina, Rinotraqueitis Bovino Infeccioso. Herpesvirus bovino-1 puede causar síntomas neurológicos, pero Herpesvirus bovino-5 demuestra un neurotropismo mayor.
América del Sur, EE.UU., Australia, Alemania y Hungría.
Razas Más Afectadas
Terneros jóvenes de hasta diez meses de edad son los más afectados. La enfermedad nerviosa suele ser agudo.
Signos Clínicos
BHV-5 causes tachycardia and tachypnoea with pyrexia, dyspnoea, mucoid nasal discharge, gasping and abnormal lung sounds. Infected animals often hypersalivate and abdominal pain may be observed.
Affected animals are also often generally lethargic, anorexic, display various signs of pain and discomfort and may be recumbent.
Signs of acute neurological infection include opisthotonus, hyperaesthesia, dullness, abnormal behaviour, ataxia, head tilt, head pressing, conjunctivitis, blindness, coma and seizures. Proprioceptive deficits may also develop suddenly and acutely. Disease in neonatal animals causes rapid generalised viraemia and sudden death.
Subacute disease causes calves to be depressed, anorexic and ataxic and suppresses rumenal motility. The dyspnoea is more pronounced than in acute infection due to the longer disease course and is almost always fatal. Those that recover become latent carriers.
Calves that acquire infection after vaccination for BHV-1 and those that have been previously infected by either virus become silently infected and the virus becomes latent. Sites of latency include the trigeminal ganglia of the CNS and mucosae of the nose and trachea. The virus can then recrudesce with stress and/or immunosuppression, but usually produces no clinical signs; it is however shed into the nasal secretions providing a source of infection.
Specific monoclonal antibodies are available for BHV-5 and can be used with immunoperoxidase staining on formalin fixed brain tissue for confirmatory identification. PCR is also available.
Antibodies against BHV-5 can be detected using most ELISA kits designed for BHV-1 due to their close relationship.
On post-mortem examination, a non-suppurative meningoencephalitis and evident perivascular cuffing. Lesions are more pronounced in white matter. Necrosis, oedema and spongiosis may also be recognisable. In some cases, satellitosis also develops.
No existe tratamiento para individuales infectados.
No hay vacuna disponible para el herpesvirus bovino-5, pero algunas vacunas del herpesvirus bovino-1 proporcionan una protección cruzada. Esto debe ser demostrado para cada vacuna disponible.
Este artículo fue originalmente de The Animal Health & Production Compendium (AHPC) publicado en el web por CABI. Hoja(s) de datos utilizados: bovine herpesvirus 5 and bovine herpesvirus 5 infection el 1 August 2011 |
Este artículo ha sido revisado por el experto Nick Lyons MA VetMB CertCHP MRCVS Fecha de revisión: 31 August 2011 |