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Página creada con '{{Taxobox |name = ''Flavobacterium columnare'' |kingdom = Bacteria |sub-kingdom = |phylum = Bacteroidetes |super-class = |clas...'
|name = ''Flavobacterium columnare''
|kingdom = Bacteria
|sub-kingdom =
|phylum = Bacteroidetes
|super-class =
|class = [[:Category:Flavobacteria|Flavobacteria]]
|sub-class =
|super-order =
|order = Flavobacteriales
|sub-order =
|super-family =
|family = Flavobacteriaceae
|sub-family =
|genus = Flavobacterium
|species = ''F. columnare''
Causado por: '''''Flavobacterium columnare'''''

Conocido previamente como: ''Bacillus columnaris — Chondrococcus columnaris — Cytophaga columnaris — Flexibacter columnaris''

[[File:Columnaris disease.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Enfermedad de la Columna in the gills of a Chinook salmon. Wikimedia Commons]]

''F. columnare'' es una [[Bacterias|bacteria]] '''gram-negativa, aerobic, rod shaped''' responsable por la '''Enfermedad de la Columna''' en peces.<ref> Bernardet, J. F., Segers, P., Vancanneyt, M., Berthe, F., Kersters, K., Vandamme, P (1996) '''Cutting a gordian knot: emended classification and description of the genus Flavobacterium, emended description of the family Flavobacteriaceae, and proposal of Flavobacterium hydatis nom. nov. (basonym, Cytophaga aquatilis Strohl and Tait 1978)'''. ''International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology'', 46:128-148</ref>

Este enfermedad no es zoonótica.

Mundial. The organism is '''ubiquitous''' in aquatic freshwater environments.

==Peces Susceptibles==
A huge range of fish hosts can be infected including the '''trout and salmon family, eels, goldfish, Siamese fighting fish, catfish and bass species'''. Cultured fish, free ranging fish and aquarium fish can all be affected although cultured fish reared in ponds or raceways are the primary concern. It is not recognised as a problem in wild fish populations.

Columnaris disease can occur in cool and warm water fish, but is '''most prevalent in air temperatures above 12-14⁰C'''.

Skin abrasions, husbandry stressors and warm water all increase the risk and prevalence of infection.

==Signos Clínicos==
The skin and fins of infected fish may '''darken or lighten in colour and circular yellow-grey opalescent necrotic patches or erosions are visible on the skin and/or gills'''. The gill filaments may have '''whitish spots on their tips'''. '''Mucus''' often also accumulates on the gills, head and dorsal regions. In advanced disease, erythematous spots are widespread. Inappetance and lethargy are common, as are mortalities. Gill lesions cause respiratory distress and its associated clinical signs – gulping air, sinking, erratic behaviour etc. Morbidity can approach 100% and mortalities are highest in younger fish.

In '''catfish''' specifically, severe tissue necrosis develops into '''“saddleback” lesions''' on the dorsum.

Bacteria can be isolated from '''gills, skin and sometimes internal organs''', particularly the kidneys.

The pathogen can then be cultured on '''reduced nutrient agar''', such as cytophaga agar. Culture is often more successful by '''inhibiting contaminant growth''' on the agar by adding neomycin or polymyxin B. The bacterium will also grow at '''37⁰C''' which will inhibit most other pathogens of interest so can be used as an inhibitory factor. Colonies are '''small, 3-4mm in diameter''' and grow within 24h. They are '''characteristically and uniquely rhizoid in structure and pale yellow in colour''', and adhere to the agar surface. They '''stain pink when exposed to potassium hydroxide'''. This pathognomic culture finding can be used as a definitive diagnosis for columnaris disease, especially where clinical signs are present.

Phenotypic tests can then be carried out on colonies if in any doubt.

'''Microscopy of wet tissue mounts from gill or skin scrapings often reveals haystacks or columns of bacteria'''. Cells can also form chains, giving the impression of a longer, single prokaryotic cell.

'''Potassium permanganate''', copper sulphate and hydrogen peroxide can be applied externally to adult fish and fry but can be toxic at high concentrations.

'''Terramycin''' can also be added to feed for adults, fry or broodstock, but resistance is emerging.

'''Vacunas''' can also be given in the face of an outbreak.

A vaccine is available against ''F. columnare'', consisting of formalin killed whole cells.

|flashcards = [[Columnaris Disease Flashcards]]

Starliper, C.E. and Schill, W.B. 2011. '''Flavobacterial Diseases: Coldwater Disease, Columnaris Disease, and Bacterial Gill Diseases'''. In: '''Fish Diseases and Disorders Volume 3''': Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Infections, 2nd. Edition (eds. P.T.K. Woo and D.W. Bruno), ''CABI'', Wallingford, UK, pp. 606-631
{{CABI source
|datasheet = [ columnaris disease] and [ ''Flavobacterium columnare'']
|date =11 July 2011

{{Patrick Woo
|date = 24 de Agosto del 2011

[[Categoría:Enfermedades de Peces]]
[[Categoría:CABI Expert Review Completed]]

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