Analysis of the pleural fluid may in turn help you to determine the underlying disease process and develop a therapeutic plan.
Ayuda a determinar la causa del proceso que ha conducido al derrame así como a establecer el plan terapéutico.
En condiciones normales el líquido pleural es escaso (1-2 ml), de color ambarino, bajo contenido celular (< 5.000 células nucleadas/microL) y proteico (<2.5 g/dL)
Pleural fluid in healthy horses normally contains '''less than 5,000 nucleated cells/l''' and '''less than 25g/l total protein'''. Levels greater than 10,000 nucleated cells/l and 35g/l total protein should be considered abnormal.
Cambios en la coloración (amarillo, rojizo, lechoso), en el contenido celular (>10.000 células nucleadas/L) o proteico (>3.5 d/dL)
Pleural fluid in healthy horses normally contains '''less than 5,000 nucleated cells/microL''' and '''less than 25g/l total protein'''. Levels greater than 10,000 nucleated cells/l and 35g/l total protein should be considered abnormal.