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==Main Cells==
[[Image:Ameloblast Histology.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Histología de Ameloblasto - Copywright RVC 2008]]
[[Image:Ameloblast Histology.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Histología de Ameloblasto - Copywright RVC 2008]]
'''Ameloblasts''' are cells in the enamel organ which forms the tooth. They secrete '''[[Organo de Esmalte#Esmalte|esmalte]]'''.
'''Ameloblastos''' son las células en el organo del esmalta que forman el diente. Secretan el '''[[Organo de Esmalte#Esmalte|esmalte]]'''.
Epithelial cells line the inner surface of the enamel organ. '''Ameloblasts''' are derived from epithelium and form a single layer of very long columnar cells that are hexagonal in cross section. They have elongated, basally sited nuclei. They synthesise '''[[Organo de Esmalte#Esmalte|esmalte]]''' which forms the '''[[Organo de Esmalte#Corona|corona]]''' of each tooth. They maintain connections with the newly synthesised '''[[Organo de Esmalte#Esmalte|esmalte]]''' through cellular projections called '''Thomes' fibres'''.  
Epithelial cells line the inner surface of the enamel organ. '''Ameloblasts''' are derived from epithelium and form a single layer of very long columnar cells that are hexagonal in cross section. They have elongated, basally sited nuclei. They synthesise '''[[Organo de Esmalte#Esmalte|esmalte]]''' which forms the '''[[Organo de Esmalte#Corona|corona]]''' of each tooth. They maintain connections with the newly synthesised '''[[Organo de Esmalte#Esmalte|esmalte]]''' through cellular projections called '''Thomes' fibres'''.  
'''[[Organo de Esmalte#Esmalte|Esmalte]]''' is acellular so once the connection with the ameloblasts via the '''Thomes' fibres''' is lost (upon eruption), the [[Organo de Esmalte#Esmalte|esmalte]] matrix cannot be remodelled.
'''[[Organo de Esmalte#Esmalte|Esmalte]]''' is acellular so once the connection with the ameloblasts via the '''Thomes' fibres''' is lost (upon eruption), the [[Organo de Esmalte#Esmalte|esmalte]] matrix cannot be remodelled.
línea de células epiteliales de la superficie interna del órgano del esmalte. Ameloblastos se derivan del epitelio y forman una sola capa de células columnares muy largos que son hexagonales en sección transversal. Se han alargado, situado núcleos basales. Ellos sintetizan esmalte que forma la corona de cada diente. Se mantienen conexiones con la nueva síntesis del esmalte a través de proyecciones celulares llamadas «fibras Thomes .
El esmalte es acelular lo que una vez la conexión con los ameloblastos a través de la
The '''odontoblasts''' are cells in the '''enamel organ''' which forms the tooth. They secrete '''[[Organo de Esmalte#Dentina|dentina]]'''.
The '''odontoblasts''' are cells in the '''enamel organ''' which forms the tooth. They secrete '''[[Organo de Esmalte#Dentina|dentina]]'''.

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